Вебинар, посвященный подготовке специалистов в области ядерной энергетики во Франции
- Kazakhstan
Special Online event for Students and Professors
In collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Energy, representatives of the nuclear industry (Kazatomprom and Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants), the Center of International Programmes (Bolashaq), Satbayev University, the French Embassy in Kazakhstan, and Campus France
I2EN (International Institute of Nuclear Energy) is working on the implementation of opportunities for students from Kazakhstan to follow a degree programmes (bachelor and masters) in nuclear-related fields (engineering, operation, waste management, etc.) in France through the Bolashaq scholarship or other scholarships available in France.
In collaboration with these partners,
I2EN is organizing its first webinar with Kazakhstan
Tuesday, March 7, 2023, from 3 pm to 5 pm
where we will be pleased to welcome a representative of the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan, who will present the strategic ambitions of nuclear power during the opening session. Other Kazakh organizations, institutions and industry will also speak to support the country's ambitious plan to implement the nuclear program by 2023.
The webinar will be a great opportunity to discover all the nuclear degree programs offered in France by major universities and engineering schools (IMT Atlantique, Grenoble INP, Paris-Saclay and ESTP Paris), where students will have the opportunity to enroll via scholarships, financial aid provided directly by Bolashaq and/or Campus France.
To register, please click https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=8fpWCgWn-0mEoOmiXUX8R3X1ZFU27lFHt70CtusbC9pURFlKSzgxSkhIVDM3M1pLTTZTNFBZUTI1Qi4u
and make sure you fill in all the required information.